assignment (array) list of the atoms coupled. This value is related to a molfile
distance (number)
multiplicity(“d,t,q,p,pent,quint,sext,hex,sept,hept,oct,non”): p = pent = quint, sext = hex, sept=hept
kind (“solvent,impurity,reference,standard,P1,P2,P3”): By default empty and a real assignment. For integration “solvent”, “reference”, “impurity” and “standard” do not count.
nbAtoms (int)
peak (array
width (number, Hz)
x (number, ppm): chemical shift
y (number): relative height
assignment (array) list of atoms assigned to this signal. This value is related to a molfile
multiplicity (string)
delta (number): chemical shift in ppm
pubAssignment (string): published assignment (if different from assignment)
pubMultiplicity (string): published multiplicity (if different from multiplicity)
reliability (number, %): Between 0 and 100, used for automatic assignment
remarks (HTML)
statistics (object): Used when predicting for HOSE code database