
Class dealing with mass spectra and peak picking

new Spectrum(data: any, options: object)
data (any = defaultData)
options (object = {})
Instance Members
getSelectedPeaksWithCharge(selectedPeaks, options)
getFragmentPeaksFct(mf, options)
getMassRemainderFct(mass, options)


Filter the array of peaks

getFragmentPeaks(peaks: array, mf: string, options: object): array
peaks (array) array of all the peaks
mf (string) Molecular formula of the parent molecule
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.from number? min X value of the window to consider
options.to number? max X value of the window to consider
options.threshold number (default 0.01) minimal intensity compare to base peak
options.limit number (default undefined) maximal number of peaks (based on intensity)
options.ionizations string?
options.precision number?
array: copy of peaks with 'close' annotation


Remove an integer number of time the specifiedd monoisotopic mass Mass remainder analysis (MARA): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04730

getMassRemainder(spectrum: object, mass: number, options: any, object: any)
spectrum (object)
mass (number)
options (any = {})
object (any)



Type: number

options (object = {})
Name Description
options.minCharge number (default 1)
options.maxCharge number (default 10)
options.similarity object (default {})
options.similarity.widthBottom number?
options.similarity.widthTop number?
options.similarity.widthFunction object? function called with mass that should return an object width containing top and bottom
options.similarity.zone object (default {})
options.similarity.zone.low number (default -0.5) window shift based on observed monoisotopic mass
options.similarity.zone.high number (default 2.5) to value for the comparison window
options.similarity.common string?


getPeaksWithCharge(selectedPeaks: Array, allPeaks: Array, options: object)
selectedPeaks (Array)
allPeaks (Array)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.min number (default 1)
options.max number (default 10)
options.low number (default -1)
options.high number (default 1)
options.precision number (default 30)


When a spectrum is continous ?

  • has more than 100 points
  • deltaX change can not be more than a factor 2
  • deltaX may not be larger than 0.1
  • if y is zero it does not count
isContinuous(spectrum: object, options: object)
spectrum (object)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.minLength number (default 100)
options.relativeHeightThreshold number (default 0.001) // Under this value the
options.maxDeltaRatio number (default 3)


Filter the array of peaks

peakPicking(spectrum: any): array
spectrum (any)


Filter the array of peaks

getPeaks(peaks: array, options: object): array
peaks (array) array of all the peaks
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.from number? min X value of the window to consider
options.to number? max X value of the window to consider
options.threshold number (default 0.01) minimal intensity compare to base peak
options.limit number (default undefined) maximal number of peaks (based on intensity)
options.sumValue number? // if sumValue is defined, maxValue is ignored
array: copy of peaks with 'close' annotation


Filter the array by taking the higher peaks and only keep one per slot. There are 2 different slots, the smallest one will have the extra annotation close to true

getBestPeaks(peaks: array, options: object): array
peaks (array) array of all the peaks
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.from number? min X value of the window to consider
options.to number? max X value of the window to consider
options.minValue number (default Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) min Y value of the window to consider
options.maxValue number (default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) max Y value of the window to consider
options.searchMonoisotopicRatio number (default 0) search previous peaks with at least ratio height
options.limit number (default 20) max number of peaks
options.threshold number (default 0.01) minimal intensity compare to base peak
options.numberSlots number (default 10) define the number of slots and indirectly the slot width
options.numberCloseSlots number (default 50)
array: copy of peaks with 'close' annotation


Create a class that will be able to get the similarity between 2 spectra The similarity is based on 'cosine' similarity. The goal is 2 prepare 2 vectors on which the similarity is calculated. The vectors are created by taking the mass and the intensity of the peaks.

constructor(options: object)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.nbPeaks number? Before comparing spectra how many peaks should be kept
options.minNbCommonPeaks number? Minimum number of peaks in common to consider any similarity
options.minIntensity number? What is the minimal relative intensity to keep a peak
options.massPower number (default 3) High power will give more weight to the mass. If you would prefer to observe fragments you should use a number less than 1
options.intensityPower number (default 0.6) How important is the intensity. By default we don't give to much importance to it
options.selectedMasses Array<number>? List of allowed masses.
options.delta (number | Function) (default 0.1) Tolerance in Da (u) to consider 2 peaks as aligned. If a function is provided it will be called with the mass of the peak


Get the similarity between a spectrum and a list of masses. The main issue is that we don't have the intensity of the peaks. So we will use the intensity of the closest peak.

getSimilarityToMasses(dataXY: any, masses: Array<number>)
dataXY (any)
masses (Array<number>)


getSimilarity(dataXY1: any, dataXY2: any)
dataXY1 (any)
dataXY2 (any)


normalizeAndCacheData(cache: WeakMap, dataXY: any, options: object)
cache (WeakMap)
dataXY (any)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.nbPeaks number?
options.minIntensity number?


returnSimilarity(aligned: any, options: object)
aligned (any)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.massPower number?
options.intensityPower number?
options.minNbCommonPeaks number?


Returns the average of cosine distances between vectors a and b Copied from https://github.com/mljs/distance/blob/0b15acd6476413f4111cb4852ca1bec9edaa2805/src/similarities/cosine.ts

cosineSimilarity(a: any, b: any): number
a (any) {import('cheminfo-types').NumberArray} - first vector
b (any) {import('cheminfo-types').NumberArray} - second vector
number: cosine similarity


getPeaksAnnotation(bestPeaks: array, options: object): Promise
bestPeaks (array)
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.numberDigits number (default 5)
options.numberMFs number (default 0)
options.showMF boolean (default false)
options.mfColors array (default {})
options.charge number (default 1)
options.shift number (default 0)
options.mfPrefs object?
options.displayCharge number (default true)
options.displayProperties number (default []) Array of properties name to display


Generates a database 'monoisotopic' from a monoisotopic mass and various options

fromMonoisotopicMass(masses: (number | string | array), options: object): Promise
masses ((number | string | array)) Monoisotopic mass
options (object = {})
Name Description
options.maxIterations number (default 10000000) Maximum number of iterations
options.onStep function? Callback to do after each step
options.allowNeutral boolean (default true)
options.uniqueMFs boolean (default true)
options.limit number (default 1000) Maximum number of results
options.ionizations string (default '') string containing a comma separated list of modifications
options.ranges string (default 'C0-100 H0-100 O0-100 N0-100') range of mfs to search
options.precision number (default 100) Allowed mass range based on precision
options.filter object (default {})
options.filter.minCharge number (default -Infinity) Minimal charge
options.filter.maxCharge number (default +Infinity) Maximal charge
options.filter.absoluteCharge boolean (default false) If true, the charge is absolute (so between 0 and +Infinity by default)
options.filter.unsaturation object (default {})
options.filter.unsaturation.min number (default -Infinity) Minimal unsaturation
options.filter.unsaturation.max number (default +Infinity) Maximal unsaturation
options.filter.unsaturation.onlyInteger boolean (default false) Integer unsaturation
options.filter.unsaturation.onlyNonInteger boolean (default false) Non integer unsaturation
options.filter.atoms object? object of atom:{min, max}
options.filter.callback function? a function to filter the MF