Dictionary of series.
Returns the first time value.
Returns the last time value.
Returns the number of time points.
Add a new series.
Name of the series to add.
Series data.
options: AddSeriesOptionsRecalculates series for GC/MS with lock mass.
Reference molecular formula(s).
options: ApplyLockMassOptionsCalculate the base peak chromatogram (BPC) and save it in the "bpc" series.
options: CalculateOptionsCalculate the extracted ion chromatogram (EIC) and save it in a new series.
Mass or masses for which to extract the spectrum.
options: CalculateForMassOptionsCalculate mass spectrum by filtering for a molecular formula.
MF for which to extract the spectrum.
options: CalculateForMFOptionsCalculate length (number of points of each related information) and save it in the "length" series.
Name of the series to make calculation on. It must be a 2D series.
options: CalculateOptionsCalculate the "tic" series from the "ms" one.
options: CalculateOptionsReturns a copy of the chromatogram.
Performing non-negative matrix factorization solving argmin_(A >= 0, S >= 0) 1 / 2 * ||Y - AS||_2^2 + lambda * ||S||_1
options: DeconvolutionOptionsDelete a series.
Will filter the entries based on the index and time.
options: FilterOptionsReturns the closest mass spectrum to a specific retention time
Retention time
options: GetClosestDataOptionsReturn the submatrix, times, and mass x axis for each range
Apply the GSD peak picking algorithm.
options: GetPeaksOptionsFind the series from its name.
Name of the series.
Find the series from its name. Throws an error if it is not a 1D series.
Find the series from its name. Throws an error if it is not a 2D series.
Returns an array containing the integral of various ranges
options: IntegrateOptionsFilter the given 2D series based on it's median value.
Name of the series to filter.
options: MeanFilterOptionsReturns a mass spectrum corresponding to the merge of a range.
options: MergeOptionsFilter the given 2D series based on the percentage of the highest value
Name of the series to filter.
options: PercentageFilterOptionsModifies the time applying the conversion function.
Assign the time values.
New time values.
Returns a serializable representation of the chromatogram.
meta?: object
Array of time points.