Interface MeasurementVariable<DataType>

Describe a variable that can only contains as data an array of number

interface MeasurementVariable {
    data: DataType;
    isDependent?: boolean;
    isMonotonic?: 0 | 1 | -1;
    label: string;
    max?: number;
    min?: number;
    symbol?: OneLetter;
    units?: string;

Type Parameters


data: DataType

An array containing numerical data

isDependent?: boolean
isMonotonic?: 0 | 1 | -1

If defined indicates if the data series is monotonic. 1 means that the data is increasing. -1 means that the data is decreasing. 0 means that the data is not monotonic.

label: string

Long name of the column @TJS-examples ["absolute pressure"]

max?: number

If defined contain the maximal value of the data

min?: number

If defined contain the minimal value of the data

symbol?: OneLetter

One letter that allows to define the variable

units?: string

Unit of the data in the column @TJS-examples ["Pa", "kg"]