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Data schema

This repository contains a description of the data schema using for the cheminfo ELN. It is also the place where changes to the schema are discussed.

Table of contents


- arrayOfObjectExample (array<object>):
  - key1 (string): Description of key1
  - key2 (number, K): This is temperature
  - SI (number): value in SI units
  - unit (string): default unit that is shown to the user
    - model (string)
    - manufacturer (string)
    - software (string)
    - serialNumber (string)
source (object):
    - type (experiment|simulation|literature)
    - name (str): e.g.,
    - uuid (str): e.g., the UUID of the node of the object in AiiDAlab or the UUID of the data in some other database
    - doi (str)
    - url (str)


Spectra are typically converted into JCAMP-DX files. We store all user metadata using ##$ labels. That is, even though there is a global, IUPAC defined, label for TEMPERATURE we will store the temperature using a ##$ to keep all metadata consistent.

package metadata

To be able to automatically curate an overview of all the tools we add standardized metadata to the package.json file under the info key. We use the following keys:

If there is a filetype for which multiple extension are used, then use multiple objects (for example, jdx, dx, jcamp).

An example is:

"version" : "",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"info": {
    "logo": "",
    "domain": [
      "Physical Chemistry",
      "Materials Science"
    "technique": {
      "name": "TGA",
      "chmo": "0000690",
      "iupac": ""
    "functionality": {
      "fileTypes": [
          "extension": "txt",
          "manufacturer": "TA Instruments",
          "example": ""
          "extension": "csv",
          "manufacturer": "Perkin Elmer",
          "example": ""
          "extension": "txt",
          "manufacturer": "Perkin Elmer",
          "example": ""
          "extension": "jcamp",
          "manufacturer": "cheminfo",
          "example": ""