Class AnalysesManager



analyses: Analysis[]


  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional options: GetAnalysesOptions

    Returns Analysis[]

  • Parameters

    • id: string

    Returns undefined | Analysis

  • Returns the index of the analysis in the analyses array


    • id: string

    Returns undefined | number

  • Get an array of objects (key + count) of all the dataTypes

    Returns CounterType[]

  • Get an array of objects (key + unit + label + count) of all the units

    Returns {
        count: number;
        key: string;
        label: string;
        units: string;

  • Get an array of objects (key + count) of all the labels

    Returns CounterType[]

  • Get an array of objects (key + count) of all the meta

    Returns DifferentType[]

  • Get an array of objects (key + count) of all the titles

    Returns CounterType[]

  • Get an array of objects (key + count) of all the units

    Returns CounterType[]

  • Returns Spectrum<DoubleArray>[]

  • Parameters

    • id: string

    Returns undefined | Spectrum<DoubleArray>

  • Checks if the ID of an analysis exists in the AnalysesManager


    • id: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns void

  • Remove the analysis from the AnalysesManager for the specified id


    • id: string

    Returns undefined | Analysis[]